Brothers Volunteer at Local Half-Marathon


Brothers Chris Higel-McGovern '15 (above left), Raheem Logan '16 (above right), Atreya Sinha '17, and Jack Reuter '16 joined the MacDonough Elementary School (our favorite community service correspondents) in hosting a table at this spring's Harvard Pilgrim Middletown Half & Legends 4-Mile run. The event is a combination of a half-marathon and a 4-mile run, with the 4-mile run as a recent addition to accomodate a wider range of participants. Sponsored by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, all monetary donations for the event go to the Amazing Grace Food Pantry, which is located nearby in Middletown, and runners are encouraged to bring non-perishable foods with them on the day of the race as direct contributions. The race was a huge success, hosting over 1300 runners, and Psi U was happy to be a part of it.